Db2 connection from Python using ibm_db
Ever watch the Web Console or a list of connections to the the database and wondered who or what was " db2jcc_application"? I Just discovered how to set connection options using ibm_db connections and put my applications name in so it shows in the application lists. here's a code example options on connections 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 try : options3 = {ibm_db.SQL_ATTR_INFO_PROGRAMNAME : 'pyHelmAgent' ,ibm_db.SQL_ATTR_INFO_APPLNAME: 'pyHelmAgent' } conn_str = 'database=bludb;hostname=' + creds.chostname + ';port=50000;protocol=tcpip;uid=' + creds.conuser + ';pwd=' + creds.conpasswd ibm_db_conn = ibm_db.connect(conn_str,' ',' ',options3) except Exception as e:i root.exception( 'Connection Error occurred' ) <ibm_db.IBM_DBS...